Josef Klammer :: radio works

1989: "Han and Amin", radio play from a text by Juerg Laederach, ORF/OE1/ Kunstradio (with S. Gruendler, Ernst M. Binder, Chr. Pölzl and H. Domitner)   | :: shop

1990: " V ", fragmentary radio units ORF/OE1/Kunstradio (with S.Gruendler) • MORE  | :: shop

1995 - 1997: "MADE IN HONG KONG" - part 1, part 2, and part 3 - three radio works for ORF/OE1/Kunstradio, steirischer herbst (styrian autumn) ´95 and ´97, WERKSTADT GRAZ, together with Joachim Baur

1997: "RGB", sychronised music project between Berlin and Graz, ORF Kunstradio and Jazz Radio 101,9 Berlin; conducted and synchronised via TV-signal, Musikprotokoll 97, steirischer herbst (styrian autumn) 97 (together with Seppo Gruendler)

1997: " Four Radio" piece for two (4) radio stations, The programs of the ORF channels Ö2 and Ö3 are used as source-material for a four-channel performance. Two different stereo-mixes are broadcast on FM 4 and Ö 1 respectively.
The listeners have the possibility to arrange their own quadrophonic experience by listening to two radios simultaneously. Live at ORF Radiokulturhaus and ORF/OE1/Kunstradio (with S.Gruendler)

2000: "... and marry Christmast from Josef Klammer", On the occasion of the last Christmas in this millenium, Austrian artist Josef Klammer presented electrical Christmas-carols and other acoustical emissions. ORF/OE1/ Kunstradio

2002: "Die Sendung mit dem Q", radio composition proceed from the consonant „Q“ for the Q LTMAHL by Werner Hofmeister, ORF/Ö1/ Kunstradio

2003: "VOX FEMINARUM", Radio play with lines by Elfriede Jelinek, together with Ernst M. Binder, ORF/Ö1/Kunstradio • MORE   | :: shop

2004: "Radio Comics I", music (latent score) for six radio plays, 10 minutes each, lines by
:: Albert Pall, ORF/OE1/ Kunstradio • MORE   | :: shop

2004: "IKARUS", radio composition with lines by Elfriede Jelinek, "literatur als Radiokunst"
curator: Chris Zintzen / ORF / OE1 / Kunstradio

2005: "Radio Comics II", music (latent score) for six radio plays,
lines by :: Albert Pall, ORF/OE1/Kunstradio • MORE   | :: shop

2005: "Keks und Karpfen" (cookies and carp), music for a christmas radio play,
lines by Albert Pall, ORF/OE1/Kunstradio

2008: "Membran", radio composition, live at ORF Landesstudio Steiermark with :: Seppo Gründler, :: Albert Pall, :: Claudia Körbler, ORF/Ö1/Kunstradio and several radiostations of the EBU
• MORE Video / YouTube  • Video, MP3, Infos - ORF / Kunstradio

2010: "... der Radio-Oper", a radio opera by Heimo Puschnigg (composition, piano), :: Albert Pall (libretto) and Josef Klammer (composition, electronics).
:: Barbara Poeltl (soprano singer) and
:: Josef Willhelm Pepper: (bass singer).
Norbert Stadlhofer (sound engneer);
• MORE   • MP3, Infos - ORF / Kunstradio

2012: "RCC - Radio Controlled Concert", radio composition, live at ORF Landesstudio Steiermark with :: Seppo Gründler, ORF/Ö1/Kunstradio
• MORE  Viedeo / YouTube  • MP3, Infos - ORF / Kunstradio

2013: "WORLD CIVILISATION DAY", live from :: RADIO ZOLLAMT / Bad Radkersburg / Austria together with :: Joachim Baur, ORF/Ö1/Kunstradio
Infos - ORF / Kunstradio

2015: "MITTERLING", together with :: Albert Pall, :: Joachim Baur, ORF/Ö1/Kunstradio
• Infos - ORF / Kunstradio

:: The 5th channel (for Heidi Grundmann) ORF / Ö1 / Kunstradio: "80/30. An on air – on line – on site Homage for Heidi Grundmann"July 1st 2018 / 22:05, with :: Seppo Gründler
- ORF / Kunstradio

2018: "COMMUNICATING MONOLOGUES", together with :: Jaap Blonk, ORF/Ö1/Kunstradio
- ORF / Kunstradio

2020: "Kunstradio im Kunstradio" eine akustische Bildbeschreibung,
together with :: Seppo Gründler, - ORF / Kunstradio

2025: "Kunst.Radio.Braunau"
Ein Dioalog mit Dialekt und Sprachsynthese, ein Call and Response zwischen Mensch und Maschine.
A dialogue with dialect and speech synthesis, a call and response between human and machine.
together with
:: Rudi Widerhofer,  :: ORF / Soundart: Kunst zum Hören
