Josef Klammer :: theatre

1988: "Looking Upon The Wide Waste Of Liquid Ebony..." , scenic concert by Heiner Goebbels, with Phil Minton, Rene Lusier, Sven Ake Johannson and S.Gruendler (co-production Ars Electronica / SKI 88)

1989: "Han und Amin", stage music (together with Seppo Gruendler) for a play by Juerg Laederach, directors: :: Ernst M. Binder and Chr.Pölzl, forum stadtpark theater / steirischer herbst (styrian autumn) ´89.

1990: "Deaths", stage music (together with S.Gründler)  for a play by my Friend Martin,
directed by :: Martin Kušej, scenery by :: Martin Zehetgruber 

1990: " And how was it ...Und wie war das ...", live dance music (with S.Gruendler) for the dance performance company Monika Steffen, Tanz - Sprache 90 Vienna, Studiobuehne Graz, Darmstadt. 

1990: "Mobile Skies", stage music (with S.Gruendler) for a theatralic event by my Friend Martin, styrian autumn ´90, directed by :: Martin Kušej, scenery by :: Martin Zehetgruber 

1993: "Herzog Theodor v.Gothland", stage music r (with S.Gruendler) for a play by Chr. D.Grabbe, Stuttgart National Theatre, directed by :: Martin Kušej, scenery by :: Martin Zehetgruber 

1993: "It´s only a game, it doesn´t hurt" (orig. "Wir spielen nur, es tut nicht weh"), stage music (with S.Gruendler) for a play by Max Gad, Ljubljana Nationa Theatre and forum stadtpark theatre, directed by Ernst M.Binder. 

1994: "Kill Pig Devil Passion Finish God", stage music (with S.Gruendler) for a play by :: Martin Kušej, Wiener Festwochen/Dance 94 Schauspielhaus Graz, scenery by :: Martin Zehetgruber 

1994: "Das Fest", stage music for a play by Klaus Rohleder, Buehnen der Stadt Gera / forum stadtpark theater; directed by :: Ernst M. Binder

1994: "Prinz Friedrich v.Homburg", stage music (with S. Gruendler) for a play by Heinrich v. Kleist, Hamburg German Theatre, directed by :: Martin Kušej, scenery by :: Martin Zehetgruber 

1995: "Violin Musik in the Age of Shopping", live electronics for a project by and with Jon Rose, Vienna SCS und ORF/OE1/Artradio live; with Shelley Hirsch, Chris Cuttler and Otomo Yoshihide.

1995: "Herr im Schlaf", stage musik for a play by Bodo Hell, styrian autumn ´95, forum stadtpark theatre / Mecklenburgisches Staatstheater Schwerin, directed by :: Ernst M. Binder stage projektions by Hil de Gard.

1996: "Die Stunde da wir nichts von einander wussten",bruitage for a play by Peter Handke, forum stadtpark theatre / Slowenian National Theatre DRAMA Ljublijana,
directed by :: Ernst M. Binder

2000: Interactive stage-music for the play "Mutters Courage" by George Tabori, TaO!, (directed by: Zdravko Haderlab)

2002: "Der Sturz", stage musik for a play by Biljana Srbljanovic, Stadttheater Klagenfurt, directed by Zdravko Haderlap

2003: "Das Schweigen", Bruitage and stage music for the same named play by Elfriede Jelinek, composed with TTS-software (text to speech software) directed by :: Ernst M. Binder; :: dramagraz, coproduction with Literaturhaus Graz, OK Centrum Linz, Landestheater Linz

2005: "Das Blaue vom Himmel", Bruitage and stage music for the same named play by Ernst M. Binder, composed with TTS-software (text to speech software) directed by :: Ernst M. Binder;
:: dramagraz, La Strada Festival 2005 / Graz

2006: "The voice of the Mother", Bruitage and stage music for the same named play by
:: Ernst M. Binder, directed by Ernst M. Binder; :: dramagraz, Dom im Berg / Graz

2006: "BECKETT.SILENCE", Bruitage and stage music with compressed air for the same named play by Ernst M. Binder, directed by :: Ernst M. Binder; :: dramagraz, Dominikuskapelle / Graz, echoraum / Wien

2006: "IKARUS", an interdisciplinary dance projekt with lines by Elfriede Jelinek, choreographer: Violanta de Raunino, dancer: Karl Schreiner, music: Josef Klammer / Festspielhaus St. Poelten / Oesterreich Tanzt

2007: "4.48 PSYCHOSE", Bruitage and stagemusic for the same named play by Sarah Kane, directed by :: Ernst M. Binder; :: dramagraz, Theater im Keller

2009/10: "A piece of monologue", live stagemusic for the same named play by Samuel Beckett, directed by :: Ernst M. Binder; drama graz / :: echoraum vienna, • MORE
infos under: :: dramagraz

2012: "Gott ist ein Deutscher", stagemusic for the same named play by Fiston Mwanza, directed by :: Ernst M. Binder; drama graz / :: La Strada 2012, • MORE
infos under: :: dramagraz

2015: "GIER", stagemusic for the same named play by Sarah Kane, generated and performed by stroke magnets under the audiences. directed by :: Ernst M. Binder;
infos under: :: dramagraz • MORE

2016: "ANNA UND DIE WUT" (Based on :: Christine Nöstlinger) live stagemusic and acting. directed by :: Natascha Gasser; actor: :: Victoria Fux, stage design: :: Bernhard Bauer, light and sound engeneer: :: Nina Ortner
:: Mezzanin Theater • MORE

2018: "Nachtasyl" (Based on Maxim Gorki) live stagemusic and acting. directed by :: Thomas Swoboda; :: Theater Teig • MORE
